Monday, December 1, 2014

The Beat on the Street! (Bronx, Manhattan & Westchester): Buyers Finding That Dream Home!

The Beat on the Street! (Bronx, Manhattan & Westchester): Buyers Finding That Dream Home!: It takes some looking at several properties, but sure enough hard work will pay off when you work with the right Real Estate agent! I&#39...

Buyers Finding That Dream Home!

It takes some looking at several properties, but sure enough hard work will pay off when you work with the right Real Estate agent!

I've met a lot of people that I've helped find their new home, a Pier de Terre, just a place in the Big City to unwind and catch the sites, or a quant apartment, with river views.

Whatever the case or story may be, for me it's about connections and building relationships. Seeing the satisfaction in the faces of my buyers and clients, reminds me why I do this job. I'm a REALTOR.

Today's real estate market should be seen and approached locally, not globally, especially when you are looking for a home in a given City, State and or Country.

We need to know and become aware of the current market trend of sales in the area that we are interested in. This puts the awareness of available properties in our hands and the current market sales for that particular area. Thus, being focused on the market locally will help you be an educated consumer and able to make the best offer on a property you have set your heart on!!!

Sunday, November 30, 2014


Hi, Wilemina Here, Welcome To My Blog!
So much going On About The Real Estate Market,
And How It Affects Us On A Personal Level, But, Mos Def
How It affects Us Right Here At Home!

Stay Tuned, And Thank You For Stopping by And Checking It Out.
Leave A Comment, A question, But Mostly, What I Really Want To
Know Is How Do YOU Feel About The Real Estate Market Right Here
Right Now, In your Home Town.

Share Some Of Your Thoughts, Drop Me A Line.

Lemme know If you Wanna See Me Video Tape Some properties.

Well-Thanks For Stopping By,


Buying A Multi-Family? Here's Some Help With Budgeting For Repairs!

If you're looking to purchase a multi-family home here's an article for you!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Why sell now?

If you’re holding onto your current home when you’d rather buy another one, you should know that it’s not only still a great time to buy a home. It has actually become a very good time to sell one, too. That’s because affordability is all about your monthly mortgage payments. You’ll be amazed how significantly today’s historically low rates can reduce them – sometimes keeping your payments about the same even on a more expensive home. What’s more, if you’re looking to upgrade but have been waiting for the market to rebound, consider this: When your own home gains in value, the price of the home you want will also increase and probably by even more. Of course, it helps to look at the actual numbers. Luckily for you, every Weichert office has a mortgage expert from Weichert Financial Services* whose thorough analysis will help you understand the specific nature of your opportunity in today’s real estate market. Home prices have begun to rebound in many areas. It’s time to allow a highly-trained Weichert Sales Associate to analyze your home along with the trend for comparable local home sales to help you determine what your home is really worth.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dumbfound Your Competition

Dumbfound Your Competition: Get a HUGE Jumpstart on 2013

When I was in real estate I would acquire more new listings and generate more new escrows in the month of January (many times within the first two weeks) than 99% of Realtors did ALL YEAR.
How did I do it?
Those are the sneaky details I will give you in this article.
I am often asked for the fastest, most reliable pathway to success. Let me give you a formula that will guide you forevermore and lead you to extraordinary riches.
Observe what most everyone else is doing—and do the opposite.
Think about it.
Most everyone else is unsuccessful.
Doing the opposite gives you the opposite result: success.
That formula describes what Richard Branson, Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and most every other superachiever you can think of used.
If everyone else is zigging—zag.
Now then, what do most people do during the month of December?
Are people more focused and more productive or more distracted and lackadaisical? Are people working hard or hardly working?
You already know the answer.
That’s why you want to do the opposite.
This is when you can get ahead, WAY AHEAD and can take advantage of the mood of the season, rather than the mood of the season taking advantage of you.
I’ll explain.
Three December strategies to CRUSH IT in January
ONE. In real estate, the market dies in December. It’s the holidays, no one wants to have their house on the market, with people tromping through it and they are too busy buying Christmas gifts to think about buying a house.
They don’t even have the time or interest to even meet with a Realtor in December. This kind of scenario might be true for you in your business too. So what do you do?
Here’s the secret…
Spend the entire month booking your appointment calendar for January. They don’t want to meet with you now, but they are even more apt to book an appointment with you for January, which is ALL-THE-WAY in next year—appointment-booking resistance is low.
By the time 8 a.m. Jan. 2 would come around I was booked solid, wall-to-wall, flat out, the entire month. Those who just started to rub the sleep out of their eyes and just began to make appointments the first week in January were so far behind they didn’t know what had hit them by January 15.
No one could ever figure out how I did so much business in January of each year. It had nothing to do with what I did that January; the game had been decided by what I did in December of the previous year.
For you – that’s RIGHT NOW.
So, strategy one is while maybe no one wants what you are selling during the holiday lag time, use this month to book yourself silly in January.
TWO. The year is ending. There are lots of businesses that run their fiscal year on the annual calendar and even lots of individuals who for tax reasons need to make some speedy decisions and spend some money quickly.
Completely reprioritize your prospecting list to those types of clients that have these year-end closing challenges and opportunities.
If you are a generalized business, focus your product or service offerings to meet those needs. Adjust your marketing messaging to communicate to those needs.
Strategy two is reprioritize WHO you focus on, WHAT you focus on marketing to them and connect a timely and purposeful MESSAGE to those needs.
You could significantly jump your revenue in the final two-minute drill of the year.
THREE. Stack your cash. I think it was Stephen Covey who defined relationships as emotional bank accounts. During any exchange, or transaction, you are either depositing money or you are withdrawing it. What we know for sure is, just like a real bank account, you cannot withdraw any money if there is NO money in the account.
The month of December is a great time to make large deposits into lots of relationship accounts. The goal is to walk into the new year flush with cash.
The way to do this is to give, give, give in December.
Strategy number three is to spend the month of December building your important relationships and making lots of emotional deposits.
OK, I hope one of these ideas lit a spark in you and that I have made a sizable deposit intoour relationship account.
Now go out and get your big jump on the competition… they will be dumbfounded by your success and momentum by January 31, 2013.
Share this article with your team and deposit your thoughts, ideas and inspirations in the comments below.